For those who want to create video or present live with “studio quality”


The company's very own, complete and self-service video studio

Some of our clients:

NTNU logo
Directorate of Health logo
Innovation Norway logo
Innovation Norway logo

Works with Teams, Zoom, Google Meet and all the tools you're used to

Online meets — close to reality

Some of our clients:

NTNU logo
Directorate of Health logo
Innovation Norway logo
Innovation Norway logo

Suitable for both small and large businesses

NTNU logo
Directorate of Health logo
Innovation Norway logo
Innovation Norway logo

Video presentations and meetings like you've never experienced before

These are the future of video meetings and presentations. You use the tools you are used to, but with Nuvu the experience becomes almost as if you are present in the room with those you are presenting to. And most importantly, this is something that you can easily do all by yourself. Nuvu must be experienced!

You become part of the presentation

It's like standing on a big stage and having the whole presentation behind you.

All the tools you are used to using

Use Microsoft, Google and other tools as you are used to.

You just need a small room, and you're ready

Mount the “green screen” on a wall and set up Nuvu smartstudio™, and you're good to go.

Self-service and very easy to use

Use Nuvu SmartStudio™ stand-alone. Easy connection to external devices such as laptop, mobile, etc.

Professional result and self-service - no prior knowledge requirements

Possibilities with Nuvu are endless. Create your own content, just as well as in a professional studio. Have online presentations you've never seen before and video meetings that feel like you're present in the room. And all this you can actually do alone in Nuvu smartstudio™. And PS, it's a lot cheaper than you think. This just has to be experienced!

Awesome content/content

You have all the tools you need to produce your own content. Create your own videos for marketing, training or. This is simple and professional.

Impressive presentations

With Nuvu it's like you're standing on a stage. Move and interact with your presentation and audience in a unique way.

Video meetings on a whole new level

You can move around, zoom in and out, use body language and gestures, just like we do when we meet each other for real.

Schedule a non-binding demonstration!

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Usually we conduct demonstration online. This takes from 30 min to 1 hour. Do you want to see Nuvu smartstudio™ physically then we make appointments with one of our clients across the country. Get in touch for a demonstration!

This is what our customers say Nuvu smartstudio™

Hermod Iversen,
CEO of Amokabel US

Our product presentations in Nuvu smartstudio are so good and close to reality that we have significantly reduced physical customer visits. We have saved huge sums in travel costs. Our customers are very pleased with the new meeting platform.

Kristian Akervold,
Flå Vekst

We have set up Nuvu smartstudio for use by all our members. We use it for video meetings where you depend on extra high quality or we are going to convey a message that will reach many people.

Watch Kristian's movie.

Bertin Holme Flatebø

In BRIK we produce films that convey “knowledge” for our customers. Nuvu smartstudio is an essential tool that provides video productions of very high quality, but at low cost.

It's easy to get started with Nuvu smartstudio™

A room of 3.5x3.5 meters

Mount the “green screen” on a wall and set up Nuvu smartstudio™, and you're good to go.

Connect to what you want

Easy connection to external devices such as laptop, mobile, camera etc. Here you have all the options.

Use the tools you are used to

To send/publish, use Microsoft, Google and other tools as you are used to.

This you can achieve with Nuvu smartstudio™

Motivated employees

In-house training and meetings never get boring with Nuvu. Let us show you how to make it happen.

Impressed customers

Sales or project meetings acquire a professionalism none of your competitors are close to. You just have to see this!

Save money and the environment

This is quite different from regular video meetings. It's like meeting people for real. Now you can really save on housing costs and the environment!

Get in touch. We guarantee an experience you've never seen before!

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This is

Nuvu is inspired by seeing things in completely new ways, “new view” We are a Norwegian technology company based in Ålesund, and already after 2 years we deliver solid results and have good customers all over the country. Although the solution consists of advanced technology, it has always been important to us that the threshold for use should be as low as possible and that you should be able to use Nuvu smartstudio™ all alone. Welcome to Nuvu

What comes with Nuvu?

Nuvu smartstudio™ has everything you need to get started. And remember that we deliver everything pre-assembled and with training.


Contact us for booking
8. Control Panel
9th. Green Screen


Contact us for booking
10. Additional screens


Contact us for booking
1. Data processor
2. Mouse and keyboard
3. Support Screens
4. Main screen
5. Light
Main screen and camera
Green Screen and Controls
Support Screens


only 9900
Contact us for booking
Nuvu Complete contains everything you need to get started
1. Powerful PC with hard drive for recording
2. Table with keyboard, mouse and microphone
3. 4K Support Screens (Small)
4. 4K Main Screen
5. Powerful LED Light
6. High quality 4K camera
7. Control panel and space for laptop/mobile
8. Greenscreen
9. 4K Support Screens (Large)
*) You can buy or rent Nuvu. Price quoted is rent per month
Book a non-binding demonstration of the system

This is

Nuvu is inspired by seeing things in completely new ways, “new view” We are a Norwegian technology company based in Ålesund, and already after 2 years we deliver solid results and have good customers all over the country. Although the solution consists of advanced technology, it has always been important to us that the threshold for use should be as low as possible and that you should be able to use Nuvu smartstudio™ all alone. Welcome to Nuvu

Get in touch. We guarantee an experience you've never seen before!

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When you submit you accept our terms.